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Marriage Tax Specialists

Marriage Tax

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We are specialist Marriage Tax accountants who have assisted thousands of couples throughout the UK.

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At Marriage Tax, we offer high-quality services using the latest available accounting software in October 2024. Operating across the UK, Marriage Tax is available from a location near you!

Marriage tax is a way that married couples or those in a civil partnership can get a tax break based on their relationship status in October 2024. Couples who are married or in a civil partnership could be eligible for a tax break of over £1,000, which is provided by the United Kingdom government HM revenue department. It is a way of sharing a personal allowance with your partner, which can then be used to improve your current financial affairs.

Following the events of covid-19, it has been a tough financial period for a lot of people, and the marriage tax allowance could be a way of reducing the pressure put on families by sharing personal allowance with your partner.

This is an allowance that can reduce the higher earner of the family’s tax bill for the following year, meaning you will have to pay lower amounts and you therefore maintain more in personal allowance. It is an allowance that is only eligible for couples who are married or in a legal partnership.

To learn more about marriage tax allowance and whether you can apply for it, use the contact form below. This will connect you with our office who specialise in helping people who are claiming marriage allowance and other rebates.


We offer a number of great Marriage Tax services and are more than happy in assisting you on anything you need.

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Marriage Tax Allowance

The marriage tax allowance is a way for couples to share their income within the bounds of a legal partnership. Under this marriage allowance, couples who are married or in a civil partnership can transfer up to £1,260 of their personal allowance to their partner if they earn more than you.

If you are successful with the marriage allowance, this transference of funds can lower the taxable income limits for the higher earner in the relationship. It is based on personal allowance, which is the amount that can be earned in the UK without having to pay a percentage back.

The remaining money after this personal allowance is considered to be taxable income, and the more you earn, the higher the basic tax rate can be.

With the marriage allowance, it is possible for your civil partner, wife, or husband who earns more in the relationship to reduce their taxable income for the year by having a transfer of personal allowance from your account. It is also possible to backdate the marriage allowance when doing a self-assessment tax return.

With the transfer of £1,260 of your personal allowance to your partner, the higher rate taxpayer can have their taxable income reduced by up to £252 in the tax year. This is something that can apply to the following tax years, and if you apply for marriage allowance successfully, it will apply to your tax affairs automatically going forward.

We can help you apply for a married couple’s allowance and offer advice to those who are looking for support regarding their tax bill. If you pay tax and are looking for tax relief, advice regarding your personal allowance, or want to apply for marriage allowance, use the contact form below to get in touch with the office.

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Who Can Apply for Marriage Allowance?

You can benefit from Marriage Allowance if all the following apply:

If you’re living together but you’re not married or in a civil partnership you cannot claim Marriage Allowance.

How Does Marriage Allowance Work?

To claim a marriage allowance, there are certain eligibility criteria that you must follow, such as the non-taxpayer earns less than £12,570 per tax year and the recipient partner is a basic or intermediate rate taxpayer. Some criteria can affect how and when you will be receiving marriage allowance following a successful application.

How much tax rebate you can receive in the marriage allowance claim will depend on when you apply for it. We can help you fill out your tax return for the end of the current tax year, and this can impact how much you will pay based on your earnings over the past 12 months.

If you apply for the marriage allowance during the current tax year, the higher-earning partner will pay slightly less tax than they have done in previous years. This will be done by changing the higher earner’s tax code for the current year, and the lower earner will also get a new tax code if they are employed during this time.

To get a new tax code, it may take up to two days, but the change in pay for the higher earner will be based on whether the employer makes the changes in time with the next payroll. Those who have a self-assessment bill will also get a new code, as their tax bill will be reduced when HMRC is informed of the changes made following a marriage allowance claim.

Income tax is based on how much you earn during a tax year, and the marriage allowance can change the goalposts, allowing for more personal allowance and lower-income rates for the higher-earning.

Pay Income Tax

Everyone who earns more than £12,570 will have to pay tax on their income. Most people have to pay tax based on their earnings, which is based on certain kinds of earnings and the amount made during the tax year. While most people have to pay tax in some way, income tax does not apply to all kinds of income, such as the first £1,000 made in self-employment or from certain state benefits. Other income such as from properties, premium bonds, or rent may not need to pay.

The marriage allowance is offered to couples where one partner is a non-taxpayer, which means they do not earn enough through their employment to pay more tax on it. It is possible to make a claim for marriage allowance for the current financial period, and it can be backdated up to four years. The maximum amount offered in marriage allowance for the current financial period is up to £252.

If you have applied for the marriage allowance and have a successful application, you will be automatically be accepted for the following financial period meaning you do not need to apply again. It is possible to also backdate your application for up to four years. If you claim for the current financial period and also backdate your claim, the maximum amount given in the marriage allowance can be £1,260 of your personal allowance to your partner.

This is something that can be processed automatically if you have filled out the application correctly, making it easy for you to get this tax perk if it applies to your circumstance. It will only apply if there is one partner in the relationship who does not pay income tax, which means they do not earn more than the personal allowance amount annually.

The other partner will be subject to income tax, meaning they will earn more than the personal allowance allowed and have a basic rate code.

To discover whether you need to pay income tax, use the contact form below to get in touch with the office. We can help with your application for marriage allowance as well as any other queries you may have regarding you or your partners’ income. Couples must be married or in a civil partnership before applying for this income perk.

At Marriage Tax, we can assist you on the best specifications, costs and prices. Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Marriage Tax services.

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What happens if my partner dies after we’ve applied?

If your partner dies after you’ve transferred the £1,260 allowance to them, their estate will be treated as having an increased the personal allowance. If your partner transferred some of their personal allowance to you before they died, your own personal allowance will stay at the higher level until the end of the tax year.

What if one of us is self-employed or both of us are?

It does not matter as long as you meet the criteria, you can apply. The only difference you will find is if the recipient partner is in self-assessment, it will reduce their self assessment bill.

Isn’t this discriminatory against people who aren’t married or who earn more?

The simple answer is yes. It is a government policy to reward the institution of marriage, its view being that marriage provides a more stable family.

Who qualifies for marriage allowance?

What happens if my circumstances change?

If your partner dies following the transfer of the marriage allowance to their account, the estate they have left behind will be considered to have a higher personal allowance. This means if your partner died with the marriage allowance in their account, less tax can be taken from the inheritance, and your personal allowance will go back to how it was before the allowance was approved.

If your partner transferred their personal allowance to you before they died, your personal allowance will remain at the higher level until the end of the period. In this case, their estate will be the lower personal allowance.

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Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Marriage Tax services.

For more information on Marriage Tax services, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

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